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Frequently Asked Questions


What is Lancaster Promise Neighborhood (LPN)?

A wraparound approach to breaking the cycle of poverty in the city’s poorest areas by providing free services to its children from birth through their career. It includes childcare, health care, academic help and more. 


Lancaster Promise Neighborhood is creating a generational transformation in our community.


What is Lancaster Promise Neighborhood Mission?

Lancaster Promise Neighborhood promises to do whatever it takes with the community to make sure every child who lives in the zone has the opportunity for success.


What is the Promise?

The promise is we will be able to look into the eyes of every single parent and say, "We promise that your child is going to have access to high-quality early childhood education. We promise your child will enter school ready to learn. We promise your child will progress grade by grade, school by school. We promise your child will graduate ready and prepared and, if they so desire, they will have resources to attend college and graduate."


The Promise is staggering, but attainable:

  • All children will enter school ready to learn.

  • All children will meet standard in all subjects.

  • All children will graduate on time.

  • All children will enroll and complete college/technical college.


What are the goals of the Lancaster Promise Neighborhood?

  1. The main goal is to break the cycle of intergenerational poverty by creating opportunities for children and families to thrive in school, work and life.

  2. The Promise Neighborhood’s goal is to enable families and students in these areas to achieve academic success and to restore community pride. It will serve the children in this area from birth through their careers. 


Where is the Lancaster Promise Neighborhood Zone?

Lancaster Promise Neighborhood includes Clinton Elementary, A.R. Rucker Middle, and Lancaster High school attendance/opportunity zone, one of the most impoverished sections in the Palmetto State. 


The Clinton attendance zone includes the Newtown neighborhood around Arch Street, Chesterfield Avenue, Dunlap and Gay streets, Pardue street Apartments and most of the Midway neighborhood. 


What are the benefits of Lancaster Promise Neighborhood?

  • To gain exposure to new opportunities.

  • A generational transformation for the entire community.

  • Strategically support both parents and students from cradle to career.


The Nine Components of Lancaster Promise Neighborhood

Lancaster Promise Neighborhood is a continuum of coordinated supports, services, and opportunities for children from birth through entry into and success in postsecondary education, and career attainment that are designed to improve the following:


1) High-quality early childhood education programs

2) High-quality school and out-of-school time programs and strategies

3) Transitions from elementary school to middle school, from middle school to high school, and from high school into and through postsecondary education and into the workforce

4) Family and community engagement and support

5) Postsecondary and workforce readiness

6) Community-based support for students who are either living in the community or who have attended schools serviced by the pipeline

7) Social, health, nutrition, and mental health services and supports

8) Crime prevention and rehabilitation programs for youth

9) Data System



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